Sunday, March 29, 2009


I noticed last week that Kayleigh was quickly outgrowing her toddler bed. She is just getting to big too fast!! :( So Kyle and I talked and decided we had better look for a "big girl bed" this weekend. We started out Saturday morning and went shopping. We just needed a new mattress so that was a pretty easy find. I was up on Omaha Saturday afternoon for an appointment and looked for the bedding. When I got home we put everything together. She was pretty excited to sleep in her big girl bed last night and was excited to go to bed. :) I wanted to stay with the same color scheme in her room as I just can't paint over her mural. My brother (the gifted artist that I know he is..but I am biased) drew and painted the mural you see for us when I was pregnant with Kayleigh. He did a Winnie the Pooh mural in our Old house for Madelyn's room when she was a baby and I think I cried more about leaving that wall than anything in our old house. :) Every time I look at it it warms my heart thinking of the week he spent with us painting that. He put so much love into make sure everything was just right when he did it. He is sort of a perfectionist..but it is something that I treasure so much.
So there you have it.. we are 3 and now in a BIG GIRL bed. Makes me sad to think she is growing up so fast! But I guess that it what being a parent is all about. Letting your kids grow up and giving them wings to teach them how to fly. Surely isn't easy to let them go.. and makes this mommy sad.. but I love watching them grow and it surely won't be without tears from this mommy I am sure.

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